Montag, 28. Dezember 2009

Republican Sinn Féin speak at conference in Florence, Italy

December 2009 saw another important example of solidarity with the Irish liberation struggle due to the work of Republican Sinn Féin in Italy. A spokesperson of RSF in Italy was invited to an anti-imperialist meeting in Florence.

Massimiliano Vitelli, Republican Sinn Féin spokesperson in Italy

The conference titled ‘Northern Ireland – a forgotten conflict’, organized by the Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori (Workers’ Communist Party), was held on Saturday, December 12 2009, in the offices of ‘Archivio 68’ Association in Florence, Italy.

During the conference, the newly published book ‘Storia del conflitto anglo-irlandese’ (A History of the Anglo-Irish conflict) was presented. The book is written in Italian by Riccardo Michelucci and published by Odoya.

Massimiliano Vitelli, RSF spokesman in Italy, gave a speech in which he outlined the current situation in the Occupied 6 Counties and explained the political solution of the Republican Movement, Éire Nua, to the audience, stressing its contents and motivations.

After his speech, Mr. Vitelli also answered several questions, concerning both the Éire Nua program and RSF solidarity with the bodies and organisations that oppose imperialism worldwide.

Sara Parmigiani, journalist and editor of the Italian website ‘The Five Demands’ participated in the event together with Giulia Caruso, a journalist whose main focus is on Ireland.

The four speeches from the podium were followed by a lively debate. After discussing and analyzing the state of the art in Ireland, the situation in other regions, like the Basque countries, was discussed. All speakers focused their statement on the general aspect of national and cultural autonomy and the right to self-determination for all people.

Massimiliano Vitelli also addressed the conference with greetings from the president of Republican Sinn Féin, Des Dalton, which read:

“On behalf of Republican Sinn Féin I thank Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori for the invitation to take part in this conference. As Irish Republicans we recognise that the ongoing struggle against British imperialism in Ireland is part of the international fight against imperialism. It is not enough to oppose imperialism - either political or economic - in one country unless you are prepared to oppose it internationally.

“In Ireland our struggle for a free and independent 32-County Democratic Socialist Republic continues. The lesson of Irish history is that while British occupation of Ireland remains it will be met with resistance. This lesson has been borne this year. Support for our political prisoners - who are being denied their right to political status by the British government in the oppressive prison regime in Maghaberry prison in the Six Occupied Counties – is an area where international publicity and protest is very important.

“The support we receive internationally for the struggle for Irish Freedom has always been highly valued. The work of our International Relations Bureau is a vital part of building a network of solidarity for the Irish struggle and Irish Republican solidarity with national liberation struggles throughout the world, such as the Basque Country, Brittany, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan etc.”

The meeting was a very successful experience for the supporters of Republican Sinn Féin in Italy and an important opportunity to once more raise the voice of true Irish Republicanism in Continental Europe.

We want to thank the organizers of the conference for all the work they have done in the preparation of the meeting. Republican Sinn Féin will continue its work in Central Europe and we hope that more opportunities like this meeting in Florence, Italy, will come to explain the situation in occupied Ireland.

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