Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Un altro anno ancora

Un’isola, ancora due nazioni. Purtroppo. Si chiude anche il 2009 con l’Irlanda divisa. Non che ci fossero i presupposti storici perchè ciò non avvenisse ma è triste constatare che, nonostante il grande lavoro svolto dai repubblicani, i passi avanti fatti verso la riunificazione sono stati pochi. Questo 2009 è stato testimone di alcuni eventi molto significativi per la storia dell’Irlanda. Primo fra tutti il doppio attentato di marzo. Episodio che ha messo ancora una volta in risalto che finchè l’occupazione illegittima dell’Inghilterra nel "6-counties" non terminerà sarà impossibile far cessare questi atti di ribellione. A livello europeo, al secondo tentativo, la Repubblica d’Irlanda ha detto "SI" al referendum per la ratifica del Trattato di Lisbona. Per gli oppositori un passo indietro nella libertà dell’isola così sempre più legata alle decisioni del parlamento europeo e sempre meno autonoma. Sul fronte strettamente repubblicano, invece, si è dimesso il nostro Presidente Ruairi O’Bradaigh. Nuovo leader, Mr Des Dalton, garanzia di continuità. Arriva il 2010: Un altro anno da vivere, sulla verde isola, da separati in casa.

Massimiliano Vitelli
Republican Sinn Féin
portavoce per l'Italia

Die Ein-Mann-Revolution

Pól Mac Adaim singt auf der Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz

Ein Paar Füße wippen immer mit. Das hier wird keine Spaßgesellschaft, sondern ein politisches Konzert – von Pól Mac Adaim am 9. Januar auf der Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz. Pól Mac Adaim singt ja leicht entrückt, ist aber dabei sehr klar und bestimmt. Man könnte auch sagen: um sich einzumischen, nimmt er sich zurück.

Erstmal aus der ganzen Folkgeschichte, dem Klampfen, Klopfen und Kippeln. Die historisch begrenzten musikalischen Mittel des Singer/Songwriters muß man nicht mit einem Bart kompensieren (Mac Adaim hat keinen) oder mit der E-Gitarre (Mac Adaim spielt Akustik), geschweige denn mit Gesangsgejodel (Mac Adaim singt geradeaus). Aber was heißt schon konservativ? Heute ist doch Indie der neue Folk und der alte Folk dessen Antaganonismus. Vorsichtshalber kann Mac Adaim auch Mandoline, Flöte, Baß und Banjo.

Und dann aus den irischen Klischees, dem Saufen, dem Tanzen und dem Bomben. So lustig ist das gar nicht. Wie es in dem berühmten Gedicht von Sharon Meenan und Killian Mullan, den zwei Jugendlichen aus Derry, heißt: »Ich erinnere mich an die Lügen. / Und ich war nicht mal geboren.« Pól Mac Adaim wurde in Belfast geboren. Er ist 38 Jahre alt und singt »die Internationale« auf englisch und auf irisch. Mac Adaim wuchs in den nordirischen »Troubles« auf, manche nennen ihn einen Ein-Mann-Umsturz. Auch wenn er für den linken Flügel der Republikaner ist. Oder vielleicht gerade deshalb. Das bedeutet auch, Schluß zu machen mit dem religiösen Wahnsinn als struktueller Gewalt. Dafür ist man doch Sozialist. Mac Adaim arrangierte die Musik für den Film »Die umbarmherzigen Schwestern« (The Magdalene Sisters) von Peter Mullan (2002), der davon handelt, wie Nonnen ausgestoßene Frauen im Kloster fertigmachen. In den angeblich goldenen sechziger Jahren. In Venedig bekam der Film den goldenen Löwen.

Von den Sechzigern nimmt sich Mac Adaim nur das, was er braucht. Er singt in Richtung Nick Drake, Phil Ochs oder Syd Barrett. Er selber nennt als Einflüsse aber Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan und Pete Seeger. Es gibt auch Leute, die sagen, er klinge und spiele wie Christy Moore, der große Agit-Folk-Politiker aus den Siebzigern, dem Gründer der Gruppe Planxty. Mac Adaim aber geht es um die Gegenwart. Auf seiner Platte »Forsaken Land« mixte er den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg mit dem Dubliner Osteraufstand von 1916 und dem Elend in Palästina.

Pól Mac Adaim macht zeitgenössische Musik im intelligentesten Sinn. Einige werden mitwippen. Und einige werden die Revolution machen.

9.1., 21 Uhr, Konzert der Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz, Loft der Urania, Berlin

aus: Junge Welt, 30.12.2009 / Feuilleton / Seite 12

Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009

Draft resolution - 8th International Symposium against Isolation

We came together, people from many countries all over the world, to inform us, share experiences, discuss and decide upon common activities and projects against isolation. The discussion was divided into three different subjects:


Political prisoners are part of the social, cultural and political struggle. In order to keep their struggle and will power in being, we need to combine their struggle with our solidarity outside the prisons. Isolation policies aim to completely deprive them of social, cultural and political development. In this way the system intends to create individuals without free thoughts and free will and to completely withhold them from political life. Therefore it is highly important to keep continuous communication with them. The worldwide prison system, whether serving as industrial complexes or as places of intimidation and isolation, has expanded and developed very quickly in recent years. Political prisoners in particular are subjected to systematic isolation regimes and their rights are severely violated. There are hundreds of examples throughout the globe. These violations include medical neglect, partial or complete restriction of communication with the outside world, as well as physical abuse or torture.


Anti-terror laws and blacklists continue in force, with organisations and individuals proscribed as "terrorist". Anti-terror laws especially in connection with blacklists after 9/11. While in some countries such laws were already in existence before that, other countries followed suit. At this moment there are several trials running in European countries on the basis of these restrictive laws. The real aim of these trials is to silence opposition. While these laws are in force in trials, they remove jurisdictional rights and are used as a political instrument to intimidate and isolate organised voices against the system. The detainees are kept under strict isolation regimes through restrictions on their communication rights with the outside world.

Political and social movements are more and more faced with political cases against their activists. Democratic lawyers and their institutions are confronted with serious problems regarding the defence of their clients. Today, many political trials within European countries are based on increasing data exchange among international secret services, especially from countries with poor human rights status (e.g. Turkey, Colombia, Israel) For this and other reasons, there is a need for stronger cooperation and exchange between human rights networks of civil liberties and engaged lawyers in different countries.


As an imperial power, the USA claims full hegemony throughout the world and uses politics of sanctions and intimidation towards countries who do not accept the "Strategy for a New American Century", which aims at the enforcement of US-hegemony upon the whole world (as already intended in the "Monroe doctrine"), including the means of arms. This plan was presented to the public as "US National Security Strategy". After the September 11 attacks, the "War against Terrorism" was specified with the words of G. W. Bush: "Either you are with us or you are an enemy". As consequence "black lists against terrorist countries, organisations and individuals" were generated and countries were stigmatized as members within the "axes of evil".

The occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan creates daily human disasters. Turkey is the center of this imperialist Middle East project. The US base of Incirlik/Turkey is extensively used by US- and allied warplanes, carrying their deadly loads, which already caused and still cause the death of ten thousands of civilians. Any protest against the USA is silenced and persecuted by the authorities of Turkey, thus dismanteling their ambiguous policy.

Cuba is facing a blockade imposed by the US government for already 47 years. Today the US government is almost standing alone in the world with its blockade on Cuba. In the last UN General Assembly only three countries voted for the blockade, which were the USA itself, Israel and Palau. The US embargo on Cuba causes shortages of food, medicine and other important supplies for eleven million people. The embargo is an immoral policy that uses hunger and disease as political weapons. Not to speak of hundreds of counter-attacks and acts of sabotage against the country which have already cost many lives.

The Palestinian people must be granted their right to resist occupation and to fight for their sovereignty. Freedom and safety for the people living on the territory can only be possible by the end of occupation and embargo, the surrounding and settlement must stop. US support to Israel, providing it with logistics and war equipment, should be rejected and the US-veto against any sanction of Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people by the UN Security Council, must be strongly condemned. The basic needs of Palestinian people, especially in Gaza, first of all medical stuff, food and construction material to rebuild their houses, must be guaranteed and considered to be a fundamental human right.

Venezuela's people has voted for a change towards participatory democracy. Its president Hugo Chavez Frias also initiated the ALBA project, which was developed as a counter-concept to the US- dominated free trade treaties (e.g. ALCA, NAFTA, etc.). This Bolivarian process, which is opposed to the oligarchic and neo-liberal powers, has been targeted since then by the US administration.

One of the 9 ALBA member countries is Honduras. Its elected president Manuel Zelaya was toppled by a military coup and illegally deported from his country. The imperialist forces thus reacted against his engagement for the Bolivarian process in favor of democratic and social reforms. From that moment on, the people of Honduras is faced with constantly increasing repression, including assassinations, torture, kidnappings, mass arrests and elimination of free media.

The participants of the 8th International Symposium against Isolation therefore agreed on the following demands:

* Organize regular semestral meetings to keep alive solidarity and communication through direct contact and to decide upon common projects and campaigns.
* Establish common communication mediums (e.g. magazine, website, bulletin, web conferences, weblogs, etc.), including a feed-back mechanism about the activities of the participating organisations.
* Make use of political culture as a mean of information by organizing international festivals and youth camps.

* Develop common letter-writing campaigns for the political prisoners and POWs
* List and constantly update names and addresses of political prisoners and distribute them via communication portals
* Organize common actions throughout the world according to specific needs of organisations in solidarity ie, protest, delegations, lobbying etc
* Join activities through global action days in solidarity with political prisoners (e.g. March 18, April 17, December 19-22)
* List the names of seriously ill political prisoners around the world, thus following the campaign for ill prisoners in Turkey (with the exemplary success to free Guler Zere).
* Organize people's tribunals against the responsible officials in charge of prison isolation and torture.
* Assist the efforts of associations of prisoner's families to unite in an international network.

* Prepare a report about the situation and outcomes of the different trials based on the anti-terror laws.
* Send delegates for trial observation and denounce arbitrary practices taken during these trials.

* Exchange information on the situation and reality of these countries and send fact finding delegations.
* Support activities of people's resistance against oppression and occupation by joining solidarity networks.

We, the participants of the 8th International Symposium against Isolation, furthermore declare our solidarity with the struggle of peoples against any kind of oppression and occupation, in particular with the political prisoners, giving them our voice when they are isolated and silenced.

We also consider it as part of the isolation policy, that many of the invited delegates from Turkey, Netherlands/Iraq and Lebanon were prevented from joining the symposium because their visa applications were refused or remained without respond.

London, 20th December 2009

Some of the participants of the 8th International Symposium against Isolation:
Kit Aastrup, Oproer (Rebellion), Denmark
Ashanti (Michael) Alston, spokes person of the National Jericho Movement and former BPP/BLA political prisoner, USA
Paulette Dauteuil, NYC Jericho, USA
Naji Mujahid/William Fenwick, Jericho DC, USA
Dr. Mariam Abu-Daqa, Palestinian Developmental Women Studies Association (PDWSA), Palestine
Hassan Mahmoud, lawyer of Palestinian political prisoner Ahmad Sa’adat, Palestine
Iratxe Urizar, lawyer and member of Behatokia, Basque Country
Edurne Iriondo, lawyer and member of Behatokia, Basque Country
Representatives from Venezuela and Cuba
National Front of Popular Resistance, Honduras
Senza Censura, Italy
Latife Adiguzel, Anatolian Federation, Germany
Rote Hilfe (Red Aid); Hamburg, Germany
Luk Vervaet, CLEA (Committee for the Freedom of Expression and Association), Belgium
Des Dalton, President of Republican Sinn Fein, Ireland
Josephine Hayden, Secretary Republican Sinn Féin, Ireland
Dermot Douglas, Republican Sinn Féin, Ireland
Dieter Blumenfeld, Republican Sinn Féin, Austria
Republican Sinn Féin Glasgow, Scottland
Republican Sinn Féin London, England
Les Lewidow, CAMPACC, England
Perico Rodriguez, Counsellor at Medical Foundation, England
Helen Bamber, Helen Bamber Foundation, England
Dr. SweeChai Ang, England
David Enright, barrister, Howe & Co Solicitors, England
Daniel McCluskey, solicitor, Howe & Co Solicitors, England
Pavlos Antonopulos, ADEDY, Greece
Ahmet Kulaksiz, member of TAYAD (Solidarity Association of Prisoner's Families), Turkey
Sandra Bakutz, Anatolian Federation, Austria
Frederico Mahrer, ALBA Latin American Network, Austria

Montag, 28. Dezember 2009

Republican Sinn Féin speak at conference in Florence, Italy

December 2009 saw another important example of solidarity with the Irish liberation struggle due to the work of Republican Sinn Féin in Italy. A spokesperson of RSF in Italy was invited to an anti-imperialist meeting in Florence.

Massimiliano Vitelli, Republican Sinn Féin spokesperson in Italy

The conference titled ‘Northern Ireland – a forgotten conflict’, organized by the Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori (Workers’ Communist Party), was held on Saturday, December 12 2009, in the offices of ‘Archivio 68’ Association in Florence, Italy.

During the conference, the newly published book ‘Storia del conflitto anglo-irlandese’ (A History of the Anglo-Irish conflict) was presented. The book is written in Italian by Riccardo Michelucci and published by Odoya.

Massimiliano Vitelli, RSF spokesman in Italy, gave a speech in which he outlined the current situation in the Occupied 6 Counties and explained the political solution of the Republican Movement, Éire Nua, to the audience, stressing its contents and motivations.

After his speech, Mr. Vitelli also answered several questions, concerning both the Éire Nua program and RSF solidarity with the bodies and organisations that oppose imperialism worldwide.

Sara Parmigiani, journalist and editor of the Italian website ‘The Five Demands’ participated in the event together with Giulia Caruso, a journalist whose main focus is on Ireland.

The four speeches from the podium were followed by a lively debate. After discussing and analyzing the state of the art in Ireland, the situation in other regions, like the Basque countries, was discussed. All speakers focused their statement on the general aspect of national and cultural autonomy and the right to self-determination for all people.

Massimiliano Vitelli also addressed the conference with greetings from the president of Republican Sinn Féin, Des Dalton, which read:

“On behalf of Republican Sinn Féin I thank Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori for the invitation to take part in this conference. As Irish Republicans we recognise that the ongoing struggle against British imperialism in Ireland is part of the international fight against imperialism. It is not enough to oppose imperialism - either political or economic - in one country unless you are prepared to oppose it internationally.

“In Ireland our struggle for a free and independent 32-County Democratic Socialist Republic continues. The lesson of Irish history is that while British occupation of Ireland remains it will be met with resistance. This lesson has been borne this year. Support for our political prisoners - who are being denied their right to political status by the British government in the oppressive prison regime in Maghaberry prison in the Six Occupied Counties – is an area where international publicity and protest is very important.

“The support we receive internationally for the struggle for Irish Freedom has always been highly valued. The work of our International Relations Bureau is a vital part of building a network of solidarity for the Irish struggle and Irish Republican solidarity with national liberation struggles throughout the world, such as the Basque Country, Brittany, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan etc.”

The meeting was a very successful experience for the supporters of Republican Sinn Féin in Italy and an important opportunity to once more raise the voice of true Irish Republicanism in Continental Europe.

We want to thank the organizers of the conference for all the work they have done in the preparation of the meeting. Republican Sinn Féin will continue its work in Central Europe and we hope that more opportunities like this meeting in Florence, Italy, will come to explain the situation in occupied Ireland.

Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

We are back soon . . .

Unsere bisherige Homepage ist leider von unserem Anbieter ohne Angabe von Gründen gelöscht worden. Die Homepage von Republican Sinn Féin Deutschland & Österreich wird an dieser Stelle aber demnächst wieder online sein.

Wir wünschen noch schöne Weihnachtstage und ein erfolgreiches 2010!

We are very sorry to inform you that our previous website has been deleted by our provider. The new website of Republican Sinn Féin Germany & Austria should be available soon.

Merry Christmas and a successful 2010!

Nollaig Shona!
Beir bua!

Unterstützt die irischen, republikanischen Gefangenen zu Weihnachten!

Der Monat Dezember ist in Irland traditionell der Monat für die politischen Gefangenen.

In der Vorweihnachtszeit versuchen die Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer der Gefangenen, die Situation in den Gefängnissen verstärkt aufzuzeigen.

Vor allem in der Zeit vor Weihnachten, ist es für die Gefangenen und ihre Familien besonders schwer, getrennt voneinander zu sein. Für viele Familienangehörige sind die Anreisekosten zu den Gefängnissen besonders hoch und viele können sich diese nicht leisten.

Republican Sinn Fein versucht daher vor allem im Gefangenen-Monat Dezember Geld für die Gefangenen und ihre Familien zu sammeln.

Mit dem gesammelten Geld werden Geschenke für die Gefangenen gekauft, Anreisekosten für Partnerinnen und Kinder zu den Gefängnissen bezahlt oder finanziell bedürftigen Familien der Gefangenen geholfen.

In den letzten Wochen hat Republican Sinn Féin Kundgebungen in ganz Irland und auch in Schottland und England organisiert.

Jeden Samstag im Dezember veranstaltet RSF Kundgebungen entlang der Falls Road in Belfast. Am 5. September gab es eine Kundgebung vor dem GPO in Dublin. Gestern, am 12. Dezember gab es eine Kundgebung in Mullincar, Co. Westmeath. In den letzten Wochen veranstaltete RSF außerdem Kundgebungen vor dem Gefängnis in Maghaberry und in Kilkenny.

Liederabende wurden mehrmals in Roscommon, Dumbarton, Glasgow, Dublin und London organisiert. Das eingenommene Geld kommt ebenso der Gefangenenhilfsorganisation Cabhair zu.

In den nächsten Tagen und Wochen werden Kundgebungen in Dublin, Kildare, Enniscorthy und Waterford organisiert.

Auch in Nordamerika werden von den Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern des National Irish Freedom Committee Spenden für Irlands Gefangene und ihre Familien gesammelt.

Am Wochenende des 19. und 20. Dezember werden Mitglieder von RSF und ehemalige politische Gefangene aus Irland an der jährlichen Konferenz für politische Gefangene in London teilnehmen.

Wir rufen alle Leserinnen und Leser, Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer auf, gerade in der Vorweihnachtszeit an die republikanischen Gefangenen und ihre Familien zu denken und Spenden an Cahbair zu senden.

Alle Spenden werden an die irische Gefangenenhilfsorganisation Cabhair weitergeleitet. Nähere Informationen zu Cabhair finden sich unter folgendem Link:

Spenden können an folgendes Konto überwiesen werden:

Name: IREM
Kontonummer: 1071813503
Bank Code: 390 500 00
Sparkasse Aachen

IBAN: DE50 3905 0000 1071 8135 03

Verwendungszweck: POW

Danke für eure Unterstützung!

Samstag, 26. Dezember 2009

Republican Resistance Calendar 2010


Der Republican Resistance Kalender 2010 ist für den Preis von € 6,- (exkl. 2,- Verpackung und Versand nach Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz) von den unten angegeben Kontaktadressen erhältlich.

The Republican Resistance Calendar 2010 is available for the price of € 6,- (excl. postage).

Available from your local RSF cumann or

Republican Sinn Féin Central Europe
Stiftgasse 8, Vienna

Republican Sinn Féin Head Office Dublin
223 Parnell Street, Dublin

Republican Sinn Féin Ulster Office Belfast
229 Falls Road, Belfast

Republican Sinn Féin in Italy

Republican Sinn Féin in Scotland

Republican Sinn Féin in England

Greetings and solidarity to the 8th International Symposium Against Isolation in London

Statement by Des Dalton, President of Republican Sinn Féin, given on Sunday, December 20th

Republican Sinn Féin extends greetings and solidarity to the 8th International Symposium Against Isolation. The struggle against imperialism is international. It is not enough to oppose imperialism in one country without opposing it across the world.

In Ireland the struggle against British imperialism and the occupation of part of our country goes on. One front of that struggle is being waged within the walls of Maghaberry prison by the Republican prisoners in defence of their right to political status.

In supporting the campaign of the Irish Republican prisoners in Maghaberry we take this opportunity to salute all political prisoners who are engaged in struggle against imperialism – the common enemy of humanity. We face a common enemy but also share common goals.

The fight for political, social and economic freedom is the concern of all humanity.

Information on the conference . . .

Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009

Greetings and solidarity to conference in Italy

Information on the Conference in Florence: Irlanda del Nord, un conflitto dimenticato

On behalf of Republican Sinn Féin I thank Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori for the invitation to take part in this conference. As Irish Republicans we recognise that the ongoing struggle against British imperialism in Ireland is part of the international fight against imperialism. It is not enough to oppose imperialism - either political or economic - in one country unless you are prepared to oppose it internationally.

In Ireland our struggle for a free and independent 32-County Democratic Socialist Republic continues. The lesson of Irish history is that while British occupation of Ireland remains it will be met with resistance. This lesson has been borne this year. Support for our political prisoners - who are being denied their right to political status by the British government in the oppressive prison regime in Maghaberry prison in the Six Occupied Counties – is an area where international publicity and protest is very important.

The support we receive internationally for the struggle for Irish Freedom has always been highly valued. The work of our International Relations Bureau is a vital part of building a network of solidarity for the Irish struggle and Irish Republican solidarity with national liberation struggles throughout the world, such as the Basque Country, Brittany, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan etc.

We wish you every success with your conference and look forward to working with you in the future.

In Solidarity

Des Dalton

Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2009


Fonds für irisch-republikanische Gefangene und ihre Angehörigen

Cabhair ist eine Hilfsorganisation, die ausschließlich von Spenden lebt. Der Name ist irisch und bedeutet: „Hilfe“ Sie wurde Anfang 1987 im Gefolge der Spaltung der Republikanischen Bewegung in einen revolutionären und reformistischen Teil gegründet. Ziel ist jenen zu helfen, die aufgrund „ihrer republikanischen Aktivitäten verfolgt werden“.

Unverzüglich nach dem Ard-Fheis von Sinn Féin im Jahr 1986, als die Führung der Provisionals um Gerry Adams den republikanischen Weg verließen, erklärte eine große Zahl von irischen politischen Gefangenen in England und Irland, sowohl in den südlichen 26, als auch in den besetzten 6 Counties, die reformistische Politik der Provisionals nicht zu unterstützen.

Um diesen Gefangenen zu helfen und sie finanziell zu unterstützen wurde Cabhair gegründet. Gefangene wurden nach dem Ende ihrer Haft entlassen und immer neue mussten in die Gefängnisse. Doch nie seit der Gründung von Cabhair 1987 wurden keine Gefangenen von der Organisation unterstützt. Denn solange es die britische Herrschaft in Irland gibt, solange wird es auch einen Teil der irischen Bevölkerung geben, die sich dieser Besatzung widersetzt – und daher wird es auch leider bis zum Ende des britischen Imperialismus politische Gefangene geben.

Cabhair unterstützt derzeit republikanische Gefangenen in den Hochsicherheitsgefängnissen Portlaoise in den 26 Counties und Maghaberry in den 6 besetzten Counties.

Spenden können an folgende Adressen gesandt werden:

Cabhair – Irish Republican Prisoneers Dependants Fund
223 Parnel Street
Dublin 1

Spenden an RSF Deutschland/Österreich werden an Cabhair weitergeleitet:

Republican Sinn Féin
Stiftgasse 8
1070 Wien

Cabhair - Irish Republican Prisoners Dependants Fund

Cabhair is a charitable organisation, solely dependant on public subscriptions. It was established in early 1987, following the revolutionary / reformist split in the Republican Movement, for "the relief of cases of distress arising out of republican activity".

Immediately following the Ard-Fheis of Sinn Féin in 1986 when the Provisionals departed from the Republican road a number of Irish political prisoners in England, the Six Counties and the 26 Counties adhered to the revolutionary path and refused to accept support from the Provisionals.

To meet this pressing need Cabhair was formed and has continued with this noble work. Prisoners that they have cared for have been released on completion of sentence and others have gone to prison. At no time since 1987 have no prisoners been in Cabhair’s care. As long as British rule continues in Ireland, Irish people will resist that foreign occupation and, unfortunately, there will be political prisoners.

Cabhair currently supports Republican prisoners in Portlaoise prison in the 26 Counties and Maghaberry prison in the Six Occupied Counties.

Donations can be sent to :

CABHAIR - Irish Republican Prisoners Dependants Fund
223 Parnell Street,
Dublin 1.

Or in North America to:

Cumann Na Saoirse Náisiúnta (National Irish Freedom Committee)

Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

Die 5 Forderungen der republikanischen Gefangenen

1) Bewegungsfreiheit
2) Beendigung der Kontrollen bei Ausgängen
3) Recht auf jederzeitige Bildung
4) Getrennte Besucherräumlichkeiten
5) Recht auf Organisierung eines eigenen Flügels

Bewegungsfreiheit & Beendigung der Kontrollen bei Ausgängen – Diese zweite Forderungen können zusammengefasst werden. Den irisch-republikanischen Gefangenen, kurz POW’s, wird Bewegungsfreiheit verweigert und zugleich Sicherheitsbedenken vom Gefängnispersonal geäußert, um die POW’s bei jedem Ausgang in ihrem abgetrennten Flügel zu kontrollieren. Das bedeutet in der Praxis, dass es nur jeweils drei Gefangenen erlaubt ist gleichzeitig außerhalb der Zellen zu sein. Das Verhältnis von Gefängniswärtern und Gefangenen ist 4:2 oder 3:1. Dies verunmöglicht es für die POW’s sich frei zu bewegen und führt zu praktischen Problemen. So dürfen die Mahlzeiten nicht in der Kantine verzehrt werden, sondern müssen in ihren Zellen gegessen werden. Auch die Zeit, in der sich Gefangene außerhalb der Zellen aufhalten dürfen wird dadurch enorm beschränkt. An „gute Tagen“ sind die POW’s 21 Stunden in den Zellen eingesperrt, an „schlechten Tagen“ bis zu 23 Stunden. Was gerade „gute“ oder „schlechte Tage“ sind entscheidet das Gefängnisregime.

Bildung – Bildung ist in den getrennten Flügeln grundsätzlich möglich, sie wird aber durch die Bewegungseinschränkungen enorm schwierig. In der geringen Zeit, in der Gefangene aus den Zellen gelassen werden, müssen sie sich zwischen Bildung und Sport entscheiden. Wenn Unterrichtseinheiten auf „schlechte Tage“ fallen, die Gefangenen also 23 Stunden in ihren Zellen eingesperrt sind, wird die eine Stunde Unterricht oft auch fallen gelassen. In den anderen Flügeln, in denen nicht-politische Gefangene untergebracht sind, ist das System weniger restriktiv und sowohl Bildung, als auch Sport, wird ermöglicht.
POW’s werden Tafeln und anderes Unterrichtsmaterial verweigert, was genauso wie die Bewegungseinschränkungen das gegenseitiges bilden erschwert. Auch für das Kunsthandwerk werden den Gefangenen nötige Materialien vorenthalten. In den anderen Flügeln unterliegen die nicht-politischen Gefangenen diesen Einschränkungen nicht, sondern Material und Workshops werden ihnen angeboten.
Die Gefangenen fordern daher a) sich frei bewegen zu können, um sowohl Bildung als auch Sport betreiben zu können, b) ausreichend Unterrichtsmaterial wie Tafeln um sie gegenseitig bilden zu können und c) ausreichend Material für Kunsthandwerk wie Werkzeuge und Holz.

Getrennte Besucherräumlichkeiten – Als es erstmals zur Trennung der Gefangenen kam erklärte die Gefängnisleitung sich bereit, getrennte Besucherräumlichkeiten zu errichten. Nun hat die Leitung erklärt, dass dies nicht mehr auf der Tagesordnung stehen würde. Doch für die Sicherheit der Gefangenen und der Besucherinnen und Besucher sind getrennt Räumlichkeiten zentral. In einem Fall wurden die Besucherinnen und Besucher eines republikanischen POW von den Besuchern eines loyalistischen Gefangenen bis nach Hause in Belfast verfolgt.

Recht auf Organisierung eines eigenen Flügels – Diese Frage wurde bereits des Öfteren mit dem Gefängnispfarrer besprochen. Die Gefängnisleitung ist sich der Notwendigkeit also bewusst, bewegt sich aber keinen Millimeter.

Republican POW’s have formulated five demands and call for these to be addressed immediately


Free Association & End to Controlled Movement – These issues can be taken together. POW’s are denied any Free Association and security concerns are cited by the Prison Service for enforcing Controlled Movement on the Segregated wing. This policy means that only three prisoners are allowed out of their cells at any one time and the ratio of prison staff to POW required is 4:2 or 3:1. This obviously prevents any Free Association between POW’s but also causes a number of practical problems. Canteen facilities are not open to POW’s and they are required to eat in their cells, this also restricts the amount of time POW’s can spend out of their cells and results in them being locked in their cells for 21hrs on a ‘good day’ and 23 hrs on a ‘bad day’. The regime operates ‘good day’ – ‘bad day’ on alternate days.

Education – Education is available in the segregated wing but this is hampered by the restrictions on movement. Due to the limited time prisoners are allowed out of their cells they must choose between education and exercise. If a prisoners’ class falls on a ‘bad day’ where 23hr lockup is imposed they forfeit going outside at all for the education class. In ordinary wings of the prison (that house non-political prisoners) the regime is less restricted and prisoners have access to both education and exercise.
- POW’s are denied blackboards/whiteboards etc that would facilitate them teaching each other. This is also prevented by the restrictions on Free Association.
- In terms of handicrafts prisoners are also denied necessary materials. In the other wings of the prison all materials are available and workshops are provided.
Within education the prisoners want a) freedom of movement so that they can engage in both exercise and education, b) Blackboards etc so that they can educate each other, c) full access to handicraft materials including tools and wood etc.

Separate Visiting Facility – When segregation was first introduced the Prison Service agreed to build separate accommodation as a visiting facility for segregated prisoners. The head of the prison service has said that this is no longer on the agenda.
For the safety of both visitors and POW’s separate facilities are needed. In one case, a visitor to a Republican POW was followed home to Belfast by visitors to a Loyalist prisoner.
In a sinister move the Prison Service have recently blamed Segregated prisoners for the cramped visiting facilities that now exist for non-political prisoners because part of that visiting accommodation is being used at present to facilitate separate visits for Segregated prisoners.

Right to organise wing – Last year POW’s discussed this with the priest in the gaol. The prison service were aware that this would become necessary but are not moving on this issue.